VentureCrest helps by facilitating investment opportunities between investors and entrepreneurs. Our strategy is to create buzz within our investor networks and work to develop a good match between the right investor and your company. We pursue, invest and advise entrepreneurial companies across many different industries. Our goal is to get you the working capital needed and gain a strategic partner through investment.
During our strategy sessions, we provide the necessary help to achieve your goals. VentureCrest has 20 plus years of financial experience and understanding to assist you in your early stage process. All clients will be given guidance in planning and negotiating the right deal. Our process is to assist each entrepreneur in the preparation of complete financial plans and strategies for current and future capital. This process includes direct introduction of early stage companies to the right investor, corporate or strategic partners and investment banks.
Beyond linking entrepreneurs to the right investment networks, VentureCrest adds value to companies by providing contacts with potential customers and partners, assistance with recruiting, and consultation on technical and business issues.
VentureCrest is continually looking for new investment partners and new strategic financing. If you're interested in future opportunities, please contact us.